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Postdoctoral researcher at NIOO-KNAW. In this role, I am co-coordinator of a work package dedicated to exploring the role and mechanisms by which bacteria can control Striga. Our research aims to uncover sustainable, microbiome-based solutions to combat parasitic plants.
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I am excited to share our latest paper on the role of strigolactone structural diversity in the host specificity and control of Striga, a major constraint to sub-Saharan agriculture

Summary The parasitic plant genus Striga causes major yield losses to several crops such as sorghum, millet, and rice in arid and semi-arid regions of the tropics. For Striga to successfully parasitize its host plant, two conditions should be fulfilled: suitable germination conditions and the presence of a host plant that exudes so-called germination stimulants, strigolactones, that are also […]

August 29, 2024